Saturday, November 1, 2008

I practiced democracy today

Democracy is so fragile, in a dynamic state of self-correction every second. Democracy exists when there is a void of power, no autocratic power allowed to disrupt the equilibrium. Is democracy a passive balance of action in an active soul? What?
Globalization of democracy with the self-correction in mind reminds me of solitary silent humans, drinking wine from a crystal clear glass of wine, and nothing else, saying life may not be the party we asked for, but while we are here, we should dance.
I envision humans living in cubes, pushing on its walls for a contact with reality, missing the point that reality is in their push and nothing else? A functionalist approach?
Yes, no war, no extremism, no harsh and quick decisions, but in the soul, oh, in the soul, there is war, there is terrorism, and there are hard decisions. Is the soul a story? Is human condition dynamic through history? History and story. Changing stories we tell our souls change history, and genes forget their origin eventually, they do. Tik Tak of evolutionary clocks.
Yes, I am not clear I know. They say people can be very clear when they have an understanding. Does it mean I don't know what democracy is? Can you practice democracy in a place where people are not educated enough not to exploit it? Yes, exploitation for power is contradiction to void of power in democracy. Dialogue is important. But words, words, words. Talk is cheap.
Yes, my head hurts.


Adnane said...

What is democracy ?
Where do you see globalization of democracy ?
Is there any void of power anywhere, at anytime in the history of humanity ?
What is the relationship between democracy and education ? Do you consider Canada as a Democracy ?
40% of Canadians can not read a newspaper article and understand it, does it make our ''democracy'' non functional ?

Noush Nabavi said...

I can't possibly cover all aspects of democracy here but what I mostly have in my simple mind is the free practice of expression in a society whose base is the protection of human rights, and whose representatives are elected majority.
I tend to see things utopean until I hit my head on the rock of reality; inevitably I am talking about utopean democracy in my post where everyone has equal rights, and social hierarchy and inequality is abolished. In a perfect system, I would expect a balance in power, and so whenever there is corruption, there are exploiters of power, but the self-correction of democracy and dialogue would get that fixed if everyone has constructive knowledge of democratic dialogue and that's where the education comes in.
Canada is more engaged in practicing democracy than Middle east, but it's never 100, and can't be until the practice is expanded globally, to cover for exploiters.

Prinz Tiyo said...

Democracy is not democracy as long as decision falls on how many votes you have earned from the ballots... :)