Saturday, March 8, 2008


So, California identifies first wolverine in 80 years! This animal doesn't cease to amaze me. Should it go extinct just because it's a mutant? Is the animal kingdom that destructive that it leaves no space for the survival of this animal's keen sense with healing physical capabilities? Whatever it is, wolverines know where they stand. That is why they hide, and you see one in every 80 years, and by pure coincidence too, a photographer passing by lake Tahoe's International Forest. They know where they stand, that is why they don't stand on your way, nor in animal kingdom's way either. Their strong survival instincts recover these masters of hand-to-hand combat and martial arts from virtually any wound. Is that why they have been used as fictional characters, like in the Incredible Hulk? The first written wolverine's catch phrase is "I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice". So dear ghosts, here's my request. For the sake of their integrity, and instead of having one minute of silence in their remembrance, put yourself in their body and read this post again, and then walk in their shoes with my words, just so that you live with their spirit this once, if not with their actual presence, like the dogs and cats and fish you keep! Why would we always keep the roses and throw away the leaves and thorns? I am a thorn myself, so I am a big advocate of a thorn campaign. The meeting place is behind the bushes. With the wolverines I mean.


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