Saturday, January 31, 2009


In the melancholy
of a white season.


It comes
not from you
To me
It comes
from me
To me
and to you
So delicately
It comes
To me and
To you
It expands wings and I bask in its warming embrace
It goes
It goes
It goes...


tea and music.
macaroni and cheese.
coffee and radio.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

One night...

I swallowed a wooden table before chewing it
And got infected with a French gentleman called Salmonella who resided in the wood
I had to eat a whole wheat bagel to make digestion of Sir faster
And now sleep tastes sweeter than a chocolate fudge ice cream.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Slow death of the dog

The dog liked the taste of white long bones
He stopped at every intersection to look for white long bones
The dog liked the smell of white long bones
He meandered his way through the streets to find the best white long bone
The dog liked watching white long bones
He would daydream about white long bones
When the dog would find white long bones, however,
He would piss on the white long bones

That's how the cat reached god faster.

Guessing game

Would I ever make it
On the list of ..

Saturday, January 24, 2009


where are you?
...Don't sell the world again...
where are you?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


From a walk through the streets of
Exploring time and space
To be exact
Of a post imperial city, lost
To a self discovery journey

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I'm deranged...
...walked away so far that I can't seem to find my way back home...
...the hungry winter birds and squirrels ate the bread crumbs I left behind me... the wilderness...
I'm lost...



Go sip pee

Funny when someone
other than whom we talk to
says they have heard us.


For nanobugs.

To a blind future

A person of color
Made you colorblind
while we were wearing
our sunglasses
at night.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Seventeen keen
Eighteen keen


doesn't exist




Butchered and buttered
Before carpentered
For a culture unbred


Turn the lights low
In the afterglow of a fellow
Whose glow is shallow
And understanding hollow
For a willow will not see
The yellow leaves backflow


Open or closed
As if it were
Defined by mind

As if it were
Given rise to
By modern times

An excuse

for not taking responsibility

Of one's self.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


In the ancient Egypt, rationality lead citizens to pluralism but the need for knowledge lead to an underlying balance of principles like the Indian karmic justice or Tao's way, and the if not now then in the future reciprocity, or wisdom as some wise persons call it, and the rich man burning in hell while the poor man gloats, this questionable claim that there is life after debt (not death), close to the concept of comprehensibility of faith and multiplicity of rationality lead to pluralism of the word God, and a woman so beautiful that she doesn't exist, and so how exactly was wealth to be viewed, a chain indebted to the spiritual sin of debtor, and hell as an unending transaction card where debt never finishes, like the paying back of summer days in winter days, with this old word isn't any old word but a moral foundation of all that exist and the philosophy of the desire to be god causing devastating violent acts of retribution and these are the records that we have in our mythical existence, wondering if we always look like that when we smile while watching the golden globe and eating the spicy salmon avocado roll, recognizing a blind man's dog who lost an eye for an eye in a modern life style where people still lived in hermit cages scarping and clutching the generous and self contained and solitary oysters with eyes red and lips blue speaking of the winter chills down the spine of I love you no matter what the weather conditions because collections are due in 60 days and we will respect its value one day when respect's manufacturing date gets expired, and the debt as a character who made a very good first husband in a series of love affairs with not only are we the plots but we are like plots and make our plots to produce adventure in an otherwise non-transactional time-space uneventful life like rats who produce electrical shots in their body when they are separated in lonely cages and then coming a time for science to become self critical of itself, questioning not just if it's true but what is it really for, and the equally sinful existence of creditors and debtors on the Roman scale of justice, and mortgage meaning a reciprocal death pledge like the taste of raspberry and vanilla sky!
[This is an experiment for puke writing, please don't read, Haha]

Saturday, January 10, 2009

In humanity, I have lost faith

Getting robbed
Respectfully too
Don't ask for trust
Cuz I ain't got none

Friday, January 9, 2009

Reincarnation of a metamorph

Hot yoga
With raspberry tea
In the windmills of a farm
And a piece of poetry in the silence of the night
Saved my day


My words were eaten in the existence of a crowd
My ideas were bombed by the existence of a city
My thoughts were recycled from my existence
For my existence

A prophecy

Wars will end
when pictures save the day
Peace is made
when words gain weight
Love spreads
when medicine improves
I will die
when my wishes come true



I write

I am not a writer.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Let the dice roll.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Dancing Silhouette

In the fluid of my eyes is a shadow
Lurking at the periphery of my vision
Scurrying away from direct contact
Returning to the center only when ignored
Dancing shadow of silhouettes, oh shadow, you're forgiven.